Personalized Health Technologies 2022
A conference on personalized health tools & technologies, addressing the community providing services to biomedical and translational researchers in and around Switzerland
June 7 - 8, 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
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This third edition of the conference will once more bring together experts from a variety of disciplines to explore present and future directions in the field of personalized health technologies. We aim to meet challenges in clinical bioinformatics, chemical hit identification, data-driven clinical decision support, lead development, biomedical statistics, and molecular circuit interference.
Key topics and goals
You will get to experience:
- Advanced technologies for 3D-cell systems in HTS
- Innovative approaches for drug discovery
- Precision medicine in a molecular world
- Interoperable decision support
The focus will be on:
- Application in translational research projects
- National and international initiatives
- R&D with core facilities and industry
The participants will learn about:
- Ongoing efforts to push personalized health forward
- Cutting edge methods both in dry and wet labs
- Visionary aspects and pain points of future healthcare